The new challenge- Are my kids safer at home?
If nothing else, 2006 was the beginning of awareness, that parents, could no longer ‘sit on the fence’ with social issues in Ontario. As much as the provincial government and the media tried to make all social issues grey matter, the homosexual aggressiveness forced many parents to stand up and pay attention to issues like abortion, same sex marriage, secular evolution and their effect on our school children.
In Ontario we are especially burdened with a gay/abortion secular government and an ‘opposition’ PC party who shares the same platform. In addition we have a gay activist deputy premier who said he wants to remove any religion in schools, an openly lesbian education minister, a gay friendly attorney general and a teachers union using homosexuals to further their cause against organized religion in the school system. It should be noted that less than 1% of the 52,754 full-time and 16,137 part-time elementary teachers in the Ont. Teachers Federation reported having a disability, was gay or lesbian or Aboriginal. Where’s the voice from the other 99%?
In July/06, the BC Parents and Teachers for Life Assoc. asked 3 simple questions;
1. Is parental consent required, except in case of emergency, for health care for minors?
2. Specifically, are minors subjected to abortions without any requirement for parental consent?
3. To what extent are students subjected to pro-homosexuality propaganda in the schools, and if they are subjected to such propaganda, is this with the permission or connivance of the government?
In August/06 the Renfrew County Family Action Council sent the questions to the public school administration and subsequently to our local MPP. Neither has given a definitive answer but we can be damn sure they all know their salary and benefits to the penny.
We really don’t know the education system until we test it. We do know that these 3 matters leave our education system open to health risks, large litigation settlements and abuse by people who clearly have no mandate from the parents.
The Ontario public and separate school system is corrupt in structure where boards kow-tow to Toronto for funding, teachers bow to greedy unions and a handful of secular beaurocrats, with a personal agenda, know how to milk the whole system. As long as they could keep interest and information away from the public, they were safe. That time has passed. Parents must take back our education system.
Welcome Income Splitting
Yes, it will only be available to families with children. And, apart from
the restriction on the income one could attribute to the spouse, there will
be an...
10 years ago