Gay community opposes applicant for library board
By Gerald Tracey
News Editor, Eganville Leader
15th July 2009
Eganville -- Despite receiving a petition from the gay and lesbian community of Renfrew County and their supporters opposing one of the applicants seeking to fi ll a vacancy on the Bonnechere Union Public Library board, North Algona Wilberforce Township council will interview the two township residents seeking the volunteer position.
The 33 people who signed the petition say they are very concerned about the potential membership of Ken O'Day on the board because of his views towards gays and lesbians. "For several years, Mr. O'Day has condemned gay and lesbian people in the areas of social acceptance, legal rights and education," the petition reads. "We recognize that members of the board have the right to their own beliefs, but Mr. O'Day has publicly stated that his personal agenda is to condemn members of the gay and lesbian community."
The petition asked for support of individuals to oppose the appointment of Mr. O'Day to the board where he may use his infl uence to accomplish personal goals. NAW is represented on the library board by Councillor John Kuehl and two ratepayers. Tom McCann recently resigned from the board after a brief stint due to time constraints, creating the vacancy. Susan Taylor is the other township representative on the seven-member board. Prior to the township advertising for applications, township resident Kathryn Kasaboski applied to fi ll the position.
Mr. O'Day was the only person to apply following the publication of an ad. Mayor Harold Weckworth said he was unaware Mr. O'Day had applied for the position until last Monday night's township council meeting and he wondered how the library board was aware of the applicants and how the petition got started. "I still don't understand how the library board found out because on the ad in the paper it asked that all applications be directed to the township," he said. "I don't know how that happened." Mayor Weckworth only became aware of Mr. O'Day's application and the petition when he picked up his agenda a few days prior to last Monday night's meeting. "How did the (library) board know about it?"
Councillor John Kuehl, who was appointed to the library board several months ago to replace Councillor Ruth Schoenfeldt, said the board also received the applications. "Council was under the impression that they were supposed to send them (applications) to the library board and the board picked the member," he said. "That's what our council originally said. That was what I was under the impression of." Coun. Kuehl said when Mr. O'Day applied for the position, one copy of his application went to the library board and one to the township.
The library board meetings are open to the public and it was after Mr. O'Day made his intentions of seeking the position known to the board that the petition was started. Coun. Kuehl said he was under the impression when he was first appointed to the board that the board conducted the interviews and made recommendations to council for board members. "But it's not that way at all," he explained. "The board clarified that and said they would do it if we wanted them to, but really it's up to each council to pick their people. "That's when I went back to my council, because I had only been at a couple of meetings, and said we have the say here. I brought everything from there back to our township. "It was just a misunderstanding. I have only sat on the committee for not that long."
NAW council has been asked in a
petition not to appoint Ken O’Day
to sit on the local ibrary board.
Mr. O'Day was unaware of the petition opposing of his appointment when asked for comments Monday. "I would say that I don't understand what their concern is because I have never condemned individual gays or lesbians," he said with a look of bewilderment. "I am surprised that with all of the concerns there could be with the library they would focus their attention on someone who's qualifi ed to work with the board." He applied for the position because there was a vacancy, adding he has done volunteer work all of his life. "This is just another area where our council needs our help," he said. Mr. O'Day said he could not understand what the fuss is about. "Does this mean that anybody who has Christian values can't apply for volunteer work? Is this what our community has come to." Mrs. Kasaboski and Mr. O'Day have been invited to meet with council prior to the August 4 meeting of council
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