Get Over It!
It’s that time of the year again when we’re reminded how our governments joyfully waste our money on their biased political agendas. That reminder comes trotting down our streets in the annual ‘Take Back the Night’ march that radical feminists organize so that we men don’t forget how bad we are. Count me out.
The international event is supposed to have originated in the last century, in Germany, to protest an undisclosed number of rapes and violence against women. Thankfully men are not allowed to walk in the march but they can have the ‘privilege’ of lining the routes in solidarity. No kidding!
For 35 years our federal governments have doled out hundreds of millions of our tax dollars for the Status of Women feminist only clubs on the false notion that women are victims of our society. True some women are badly abused but so are men and the vast majority of women and men are perfectly able and capable of making decisions about their lives. Historically, genocides have targeted men and none before or after the Montreal Massacre in the west, have singled out women. It’s no secret that men are reluctant to report violence against themselves, however, according to a 2006 Statistics Canada report 546,000 men did report physical violence from their partners over the previous 5 years which was only 1% less than women.
Modern liberal feminists hypocritically embrace the idea of child murderers and in fact continually revere their hero, mass murderer, Henry Morgentaler yet for all those years’ pro-life organizations, men’s groups, Real Women and millions of volunteers have never received one government dime to support their good causes. You can be darn sure the money-hungry feminists would shut their doors and walk away tomorrow if the government money dried up.
With huge deficits, it’s time for our provincial and federal governments to get out of the last century and stop using our tax dollars to prop up radicals using men as their scapegoat to pad their pockets. It’s long overdue for an independent audit and research into feminist organizations funding including women’s shelters and time for special interest organizations, who believe in their causes, to volunteer their time and money just like the rest of society.
With an overabundance of laws to protect women, policing to enforce them and biased courts that favor women, we’re just wasting our tax dollars propping up a sexist industry.
But thanks for the annual reminder.
Welcome Income Splitting
Yes, it will only be available to families with children. And, apart from
the restriction on the income one could attribute to the spouse, there will
be an...
10 years ago
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