Friday, February 23, 2007

Political science is bad for the environment.

When do we tell the government they can’t legislate fictional science to feed their need to regulate our lives while they profit from our private vices like smoking, drinking and gambling?
The Journal of the Cancer Inst. Reports that second hand smoke has a risk factor of only 1.2 and that anything below 2 is considered small, yet the risk factor for breast cancer after abortion is 1.5 and it gets no media attention and certainly no government intrusion.
And what about bicycle helmets? According to Western Standard researcher, John Luik, bike helmets may cause more injuries because users have a false sense of security and may take more risks. G.B. Rodgers looked at 8 million cases over 15 years and found “no evidence that hard shell helmets have reduced the head injury and fatality rates.” Indeed, “the bicycle-related fatality rate is positively and significantly correlated with increased helmet use.” Transport Canada statistics show the same amount of deaths before and after compulsory helmet laws. In New York state head injuries went up after increased helmet use.
The current left-wing lie is global warming. Government and media radicals are flying against real scientific facts to sell a gullible public their secular version of Armageddon. In spite of mountains of information to the contrary, green brains look forward to creating big, unionized government agencies to control our environment (people). Call me a nit-picker but paying other countries, who aren’t even on the green wagon, billions of our overtaxed dollars, is as close to insanity as you can get but then, this has never been about rational thinking.
This is about a liberal/NDP party that has gotten so shallow and morally bankrupt that they don’t have an issue that they can hang their collective hats on. The global warming lie is about all they could come up with to sell to people in polluted, voter rich cities, which doesn’t focus on their poor leadership, boondoggles and radical social agendas. God help us all in rural Canada if they get their way. The sad part is the national media is still helping them.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Are we civil yet?

Sometimes you wonder where the 'civil' went in our civil society. I was traveling through
the web recently and came across 'partial birth abortions'. These are abortions that are done in the late-term of pregnancy on mostly healthy mothers and babies.
The abortionist grabs the baby's legs with forceps and pulls the baby into the birth canal,
then using his hands, he delivers the body, leaving the head inside. He or she then forces
scissors into the base of the skull and opens the scissors to enlarge the hole. A suction
catheter is inserted into this hole and the baby's brains are sucked out. After immence, imminent pain,
the skull collapses, the baby dies and the parts are sometimes sold.
This is probably what M.P. Cheryl Gallant was talking about when she compared abortion
to the decapitation of U.S. soldiers in Iraq for which the media attacked her.
For some of the earlier stage abortions the abortionist cuts the baby into pieces, while in the
mother. The nurses then assemble the arms, legs and body parts in order, to make sure the entire baby has been removed.
We have no abortion laws in Canada, even up to the time of delivery. Even if you're a cold blooded atheist you must question why our tax dollars are used to pay for over 100,000 women and men's choice to have sex without responsibility. Less than 1% are because of rape and incest.
You have to wonder what kind of a 'civil' society we have that would allow human butchers
to torture and mutilate generation after generation of innocents without the media raising their
voice in protest.
They say we're only here on earth for a short 70 summers. Thank God.