Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Out-of-Sight, Out-of-Mind....Homicide

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Equality Is Still The Big Lie

Frequent writers to ‘Letters to the Editor’ encounter more things that others wouldn’t normally see. We understand our letters sometimes need to be edited for spelling and a host of mistakes we writers make and we are mostly grateful for the changes. What we don’t understand is when certain editors decide to become social engineers in linguistics.
There seems to be a concentrated effort in today’s media to neuter any reference to mankind unless it is to display a negative side to men. Words in the media have changed to a neutral, non-gender flavour as if sitting on the fence was a virtue. Even some of our churches have jumped on the feminist bandwagon quietly removing as many references to man or father as they can. I still haven’t figured out what the hell a ‘humankind’ is. Maybe it’s some kind of demonic human created by the liberals.
My library contains some of the finest writers of the past and present and along with 12 dictionaries none of them avoid the male gender as much as today’s media do.
In some of my letters I use the term ‘chairman’ in my signature, yet many of the editors remove the ‘man’ part and replace it with ‘person’ or simply make me a chair. I am neither. Neither am I a ‘spokesperson’. If I speak, I speak as a man. Surely you wouldn’t send a spoke or a chair to do a man’s job.
On the other hand, women continually use chairwoman or spokeswoman in the press. I have no problem with that but why aren’t men allowed the same right? This would be no surprise coming from a feminist editor but most editors are men. Even feminists don’t like traitors.
It may seem a minor matter but it seems to be a disturbing trend that we let get out of control, leaving us with a generation of boys with no male identity and men who question their definitive role in society at a time when we need more real men.
Linguistic castration is one way to feminize men but not nearly as effective as teaching our young boys in school that homosexuality is a normal alternative, as our education system is doing today.
Fortunately there’s still a fast buck to be made from Batman and Superman or they’d quickly replace them with She-man, hero of humankind.


Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Crime of Innocence

According to the eye-witness,* ‘The babies little fingers were clasping and unclasping and his little feet were kicking until the murderer forced a scissors into the back of his head and then the baby’s arms jerked out in a deadly spasm.’ No police were called, no charges were made and the murderer continued on to her next victim.
While this may sound like a fictional murder story, it is, in fact, something that happens every day in North America. It’s called late-term abortion and they’re legal right up to the moment of birth in Canada, thanks mostly to feminist organizations that pressure our government for ‘choice’. Their ‘choice’ is the painful murdering of our most innocent.
Why women have chosen to be ruled by these radical feminists for the past 40 years is beyond understanding. Women wanted to think for themselves and hated the idea of anyone ‘controlling’ them, yet by the millions, they still march to the old feminist song and dance about choice, equality and freedom as if it was a product you buy instead of something you earn.
But let’s not lay all the blame on a few mean-spirited women. It took a lot of gutless government men, back in the day, to allow this to happen and it looks like nothing has changed in Ottawa and Toronto.
Most women are against war and killing, yet here we are in the 21st century, and women are killing their healthy babies with our governments blessing and voter’s support, the same voter who would be outraged if it were happening to a pet dog.
As it is now you can be charged, arrested and put in jail for simply threatening an animal but for the most violent crime to a human being, people are financially rewarded. Isn’t it a little odd that we have a higher standard and expectation for a beast than we have for an innocent child in it’s most vulnerable place?

* The eye-witness report was from an RN, as reported in the May/2007 Interim Newspaper.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

= liberal/NDP policies.

We need REAL choices.
We need the Family Coalition Party in Ontario.

Monday, June 25, 2007


A funny thing happened on the way to experimenting with citizen participation via the Internet…

The CBC recently set up a Facebook group called The Great Canadian Wish List. The idea was that you could create a wish (like “solve world hunger” etc.) or add your name to existing wishes. The top wishes would be broadcast on CBC on Canada Day.

It’s not that it’s not working, just that instead of generic feel-good wishes, the Facebook group’s top wishes are dominated by political causes usually associated with Christian conservative or right-wing groups.

Among the top wishes (as “voted” by people joining the groups) are:

Abolish abortion in Canada
For a spiritual revival in our nation
Restore the traditional definition of marriage
Clearly, some groups actively campaignied for votes, rather than letting the site grow organically. (I’m not saying this is bad, just interesting.) This page even walks people step-by-step through how to add themselves to the pro-life/anti-abortion (pick your wording) group. Some interesting comments at this blog.

CBC reporter Mike Wise was one of the architects of the Facebook idea. In an interview with InsideCBC.com, Wise said he thought the experiment was a success specifically because of the way people used the site. He said he plans to interview the people behind the top wishes, no matter what the topics end up being. “This was an experiment to see how social networks could work to bring out story ideas, and it’s done that.”

“Would people be saying there was a ‘takeover’ if David Suzuki had gone out and asked people to do this? We purposely set out to see what would happen with an unmoderated group,” he said. “Personally, I think this has been a huge success.”

In a related note, this blog’s Seven Wonders of the CBC contest appears to be the target of a takeover attempt as well by fans of CBC Radio 3.

Monday, April 09, 2007

"Who called me just a piece of flesh!!"

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Feminist Follies

"The one-world government scenario is dialectically based upon economics, environment, and equity – known as the Three E’s. These Three E’s involve global control of the common man’s labor and money, “sustainable” nature, and forcing all commoners into financial sameness. These same intentions are also documented in the U.N. Agenda 21 game plan for our “sustainable” environmental future.
The feminist movement was crafted by the one-world political initiative and invented to create and sustain global depopulation goals. That is and remains the primary mission of the feminist movement.
Women’s “rights” are disallowed definition by culture, religion, personal opinion, or any other social definition minus the feminist movement. In today’s world, we have no choices as women, whatsoever, but to agree to the think tank morality written and coded by this global movement. The feminist movement is no different than the global environmental movement, the global healthcare movement, the global education movement, or the global economy movement. All are social re-engineering tactics used to forward the take over of all world governments, economies, and cultures, and to force all commoners into the custom-made livelihoods and service of corporate-based governors. According to this government, we have no choices but to accept them all."
The above quote is part of an editorial by Nancy Levant at newswithviews.com
What's your opinion?

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Home Schooling is the only protection.

With a slick marketing campaign, special interest groups, the media and our own provincial government have convinced many people that an all-inclusive sex education program will make our kids ‘street wise’ so they can avoid social problems and avoid unwanted pregnancies. They tell us that any sexual variation is OK as long as you use contraceptive chemicals or devices but the facts don’t back up their misinformation.
In 1976 the provincial government introduced a sex education program into our schools which encouraged students to refrain from sexual activity and to keep it within the bounds of marriage. Between 1976 and 1987 teen pregnancy fell significantly. Keep in mind this program was designed to discourage pre-marital sexual activity rather than equip adolescents for ‘safe-sex’.
In 1986 the province provided large funds to the Health Dept. to change the sex-ed. program to a condom/contraception- based program in our schools and for the next 20 years teen pregnancy, promiscuity and sexually-based diseases increased dramatically.
In 1997 the Hamilton-Wentworth Family Action Council, www.hamiltonfamilyaction took action and convinced their County government to stop financing the Health Dept.’s safe-sex program. Within 2 years teen pregnancy dropped over 22% and in-clinic visits declined 57%, proving that the less adolescents are exposed to condom-based/ value free sexual indoctrination from Public Health/Planned Parenthood Clinics, the lower the teen pregnancy rates. On top of that they saved their county hundreds of thousands of tax dollars. Even Public Health admits that the greater the availability of birth control, the greater the adolescent sexual activity.
Under much criticism, the Ugandan government chose to use abstinence-based sex ed. programs for their people and is the only part of Africa that has reduced incidence of AIDS.
The truth is, the less our youth are exposed to the Public Health ‘safe sex’ ideology, the safer they are and like it or not, the best method of birth control for adolescents, continues to be their parents.
Parents have a right and an obligation to teach their children, in their own way, in their own time, without being upstaged by domineering social engineers hiding under the guise of educational professionals.
Under our present political will, the only alternative parents have is to start home-schooling which has increased to 80,000 children in Canada and still growing.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Political science is bad for the environment.

When do we tell the government they can’t legislate fictional science to feed their need to regulate our lives while they profit from our private vices like smoking, drinking and gambling?
The Journal of the Cancer Inst. Reports that second hand smoke has a risk factor of only 1.2 and that anything below 2 is considered small, yet the risk factor for breast cancer after abortion is 1.5 and it gets no media attention and certainly no government intrusion.
And what about bicycle helmets? According to Western Standard researcher, John Luik, bike helmets may cause more injuries because users have a false sense of security and may take more risks. G.B. Rodgers looked at 8 million cases over 15 years and found “no evidence that hard shell helmets have reduced the head injury and fatality rates.” Indeed, “the bicycle-related fatality rate is positively and significantly correlated with increased helmet use.” Transport Canada statistics show the same amount of deaths before and after compulsory helmet laws. In New York state head injuries went up after increased helmet use.
The current left-wing lie is global warming. Government and media radicals are flying against real scientific facts to sell a gullible public their secular version of Armageddon. In spite of mountains of information to the contrary, green brains look forward to creating big, unionized government agencies to control our environment (people). Call me a nit-picker but paying other countries, who aren’t even on the green wagon, billions of our overtaxed dollars, is as close to insanity as you can get but then, this has never been about rational thinking.
This is about a liberal/NDP party that has gotten so shallow and morally bankrupt that they don’t have an issue that they can hang their collective hats on. The global warming lie is about all they could come up with to sell to people in polluted, voter rich cities, which doesn’t focus on their poor leadership, boondoggles and radical social agendas. God help us all in rural Canada if they get their way. The sad part is the national media is still helping them.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Are we civil yet?

Sometimes you wonder where the 'civil' went in our civil society. I was traveling through
the web recently and came across 'partial birth abortions'. These are abortions that are done in the late-term of pregnancy on mostly healthy mothers and babies.
The abortionist grabs the baby's legs with forceps and pulls the baby into the birth canal,
then using his hands, he delivers the body, leaving the head inside. He or she then forces
scissors into the base of the skull and opens the scissors to enlarge the hole. A suction
catheter is inserted into this hole and the baby's brains are sucked out. After immence, imminent pain,
the skull collapses, the baby dies and the parts are sometimes sold.
This is probably what M.P. Cheryl Gallant was talking about when she compared abortion
to the decapitation of U.S. soldiers in Iraq for which the media attacked her.
For some of the earlier stage abortions the abortionist cuts the baby into pieces, while in the
mother. The nurses then assemble the arms, legs and body parts in order, to make sure the entire baby has been removed.
We have no abortion laws in Canada, even up to the time of delivery. Even if you're a cold blooded atheist you must question why our tax dollars are used to pay for over 100,000 women and men's choice to have sex without responsibility. Less than 1% are because of rape and incest.
You have to wonder what kind of a 'civil' society we have that would allow human butchers
to torture and mutilate generation after generation of innocents without the media raising their
voice in protest.
They say we're only here on earth for a short 70 summers. Thank God.

Monday, January 15, 2007

The new challenge- Are my kids safer at home?

If nothing else, 2006 was the beginning of awareness, that parents, could no longer ‘sit on the fence’ with social issues in Ontario. As much as the provincial government and the media tried to make all social issues grey matter, the homosexual aggressiveness forced many parents to stand up and pay attention to issues like abortion, same sex marriage, secular evolution and their effect on our school children.
In Ontario we are especially burdened with a gay/abortion secular government and an ‘opposition’ PC party who shares the same platform. In addition we have a gay activist deputy premier who said he wants to remove any religion in schools, an openly lesbian education minister, a gay friendly attorney general and a teachers union using homosexuals to further their cause against organized religion in the school system. It should be noted that less than 1% of the 52,754 full-time and 16,137 part-time elementary teachers in the Ont. Teachers Federation reported having a disability, was gay or lesbian or Aboriginal. Where’s the voice from the other 99%?
In July/06, the BC Parents and Teachers for Life Assoc. asked 3 simple questions;

1. Is parental consent required, except in case of emergency, for health care for minors?
2. Specifically, are minors subjected to abortions without any requirement for parental consent?
3. To what extent are students subjected to pro-homosexuality propaganda in the schools, and if they are subjected to such propaganda, is this with the permission or connivance of the government?
In August/06 the Renfrew County Family Action Council sent the questions to the public school administration and subsequently to our local MPP. Neither has given a definitive answer but we can be damn sure they all know their salary and benefits to the penny.
We really don’t know the education system until we test it. We do know that these 3 matters leave our education system open to health risks, large litigation settlements and abuse by people who clearly have no mandate from the parents.
The Ontario public and separate school system is corrupt in structure where boards kow-tow to Toronto for funding, teachers bow to greedy unions and a handful of secular beaurocrats, with a personal agenda, know how to milk the whole system. As long as they could keep interest and information away from the public, they were safe. That time has passed. Parents must take back our education system.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Red and Blue Issue

Maybe what we need is a country that has two cards. Let's call them red and blue.

Red card supporters would believe in and pay for:
- Abortion
- Any marriage, incest, AIDS and bestiality.
- Their part of the country ruled by judges.
- No military.
- No religion except evolution.
- More taxes for more social programs.
- Social engineering in their schools.
- Bigger government.
- Bigger unions.
- Payoffs in government.
- Government sponsored daycare.
- Government supported prostitution, sex clubs and drug
distribution centres.
- Bilingualism
- No firearms except for government agencies.
- Government only health care.

Blue card supporters would believe in and pay for:
-The opposite of the above.

We would simply vote for the persons who believed and supported the red or blue and taxes would would be charged accordingly. Sure, there's lots of little details that could be critised but we could put an end to parties that sit on the fence and head in a positive growth direction.It would give the two culturals real freedom to choose the agenda they want to pay for. As it is now, we all pay for an agenda most people don't want or need.
Anyone have other ideas or improvements?