Monday, November 09, 2009

Stop Funding Planned Parenthood.

We Can't Afford These Women

Petition can be found at this link:
French version at this link: - November 2, 2009
Canadian MP Launches Petition to Stop Federal Funding of Planned Parenthood
By Patrick B. Craine

OTTAWA, Ontario ( - "We, the undersigned residents of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to stop all funding of International Planned Parenthood Federation," reads a new petition being circulated by Conservative Member of Parliament (MP) Brad Trost (Saskatoon-Humboldt). The petition refers specifically to a 2006 pledge from the Canadian federal government to allocate $18 million over four years to International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). CIDA is overseen by International Cooperation Minister Bev Oda (C-Durham), who took the position in 2007. The goal, says Trost, is to stop the IPPF funding when it comes up for renewal, which he says is supposed to happen around December 31st.

He has circulated a similar petition "on a low-key level" by word-of-mouth since the March for Life in May, but has redrafted it and posted it to his website. He has already presented these petitions in the House of Commons a few times, but is now stepping up his efforts. He raised the issue informally, he says, as have others, but "got a brush off." "I then started ... to roll this out so that people would realize and understand that the federal government ... funds Planned Parenthood International," he told, "and I find that disturbing and would like to have the money rerouted to something else."

IPPF is the world's largest abortion provider and, as they themselves admit, promotes international abortion 'rights' as one of their central focuses.

In addition to IPPF's abortion advocacy, the petition cites the fact that the organization "does not support physicians' freedom to practice according to their conscience and/or religious beliefs regarding abortion referral." According to IPPF's 'Charter on Sexual and Reproductive Rights', physicians may only refuse to offer contraceptive and abortion 'services' "if they can refer the client to health professionals willing to provide the service immediately" (5.3). "No such right exists in emergency cases where lives are at risk," they add.

IPPF took in $119 million in 2008, with almost 80% coming from government grants. In the midst of a financial crisis, $23 million of that money went towards staffing, with over 3 dozen people given six figure incomes that topped out at $480,000. CIDA would seem to have become a dedicated supporter of organizations that advocate de-population and actively work towards global abortion access, giving away millions of Canadian tax money. In 2007, for example, the Canadian Taxpayers Federation reported that, in addition to the money pledged to IPPF, in 2006/2007 CIDA had given $44,050,000 to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) as well as $18 million to UNICEF. While UNFPA claims that they do not promote abortion, they are an ardent supporter of abortion advocacy groups, such as IPPF, which reported in 2008 that it had received $1 million from the fund that year. In September, the UNFPA's leader, Thoraya Ahmed Obaid, called for a budget of $23 billion to be able to fund abortions worldwide.

In Trost's opinion, the government has continued funding IPPF because of "inertia." "The bureaucracy's done it before and no one wants to rock the boat," he explained. "So at the end of the day, don't make any waves. ... I'm encouraging people to let their voice be spoken so that the unelected government, i.e. the bureaucrats in CIDA who support Planned Parenthood, don't get to dictate where people's tax dollars go." He is encouraging people to write the Prime Minister and CIDA's Minister, Bev Oda. He would like those who write "not only to oppose it because abortion is wrong, period, but also because there's other better ways to spend ... Canadian international development aid money." "Write or encourage the Minister and CIDA to spend money on other things - vaccination programs, well-water programs," he said. "There's other much better things this could be spent on."

The petition can be downloaded from Trost's website. A French version will be posted next week or later this week. Completed petitions are to be sent to his Ottawa office.

Contact Information:

Brad Trost, MP (Saskatoon-Humboldt)
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A6
Phone: (613) 992-8052

Bev Oda, MP (Durham) and Minister of International Cooperation
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A6
Phone: (613) 992-2792
Fax: (613) 992-2794

Prime Minister Stephen Harper
80 Wellington Street
K1A 0A2
Fax: 613-941-6900

See related coverage:

Governments Maintain IPPF Funding Despite Financial Crisis in 2008

Canada's Conservative Gov't Gave $80 Million To De-Population Groups in 2006/07

Leader of United Nations Population Fund Calls for Global Abortion Funding

Friday, October 09, 2009

Take Back The Money

Get Over It!

It’s that time of the year again when we’re reminded how our governments joyfully waste our money on their biased political agendas. That reminder comes trotting down our streets in the annual ‘Take Back the Night’ march that radical feminists organize so that we men don’t forget how bad we are. Count me out.
The international event is supposed to have originated in the last century, in Germany, to protest an undisclosed number of rapes and violence against women. Thankfully men are not allowed to walk in the march but they can have the ‘privilege’ of lining the routes in solidarity. No kidding!
For 35 years our federal governments have doled out hundreds of millions of our tax dollars for the Status of Women feminist only clubs on the false notion that women are victims of our society. True some women are badly abused but so are men and the vast majority of women and men are perfectly able and capable of making decisions about their lives. Historically, genocides have targeted men and none before or after the Montreal Massacre in the west, have singled out women. It’s no secret that men are reluctant to report violence against themselves, however, according to a 2006 Statistics Canada report 546,000 men did report physical violence from their partners over the previous 5 years which was only 1% less than women.
Modern liberal feminists hypocritically embrace the idea of child murderers and in fact continually revere their hero, mass murderer, Henry Morgentaler yet for all those years’ pro-life organizations, men’s groups, Real Women and millions of volunteers have never received one government dime to support their good causes. You can be darn sure the money-hungry feminists would shut their doors and walk away tomorrow if the government money dried up.
With huge deficits, it’s time for our provincial and federal governments to get out of the last century and stop using our tax dollars to prop up radicals using men as their scapegoat to pad their pockets. It’s long overdue for an independent audit and research into feminist organizations funding including women’s shelters and time for special interest organizations, who believe in their causes, to volunteer their time and money just like the rest of society.
With an overabundance of laws to protect women, policing to enforce them and biased courts that favor women, we’re just wasting our tax dollars propping up a sexist industry.
But thanks for the annual reminder.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Enough is Enough

The Right Honourable Stephen HarperPrime Minister of Canada

Office of the Prime Minister

80 Wellington Street

Ottawa, ON


K1A 0A2

TO: Prime Minister Harper;

Dear Prime Minister;

In light of facts revealed by the trial and the Judgment of Nathan J. Smith in a Defamation lawsuit IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA (2008 BCSC 249) Between: Ken Wiebe (Plaintiff) And Pierrette Bouchard, Isabel Boily, Marie-Claude Proulx, Her Majesty The Queen In The Right of Canada, and The Minister Responsible for the Status of Women Canada (Defendants), and for other reasons also –

I/We Insist that a full Parliamentary Inquiry be held into the Status of Women Canada and its wrongful influence on Legislation, Policy, and the administration of justice in Canada over the duration of its existence. This Inquiry must have the mandate to recommend changes to policy and legislation that it finds to be in error.

Judge Nathan J. Smith, in his BC Supreme Court judgment, said that a Policy Research Report of the Canadian federal government (Status of Women Canada):

· makes claims that are not true.

· is not factual.

· is the ideological opinion of “true believers” and self-described “militant feminists”.

· is slanderous (Defamatory).


Parliament has been misled by at least one Status of Women Canada Research Report.


· There are other examples legislation and policy that have been influenced by SWC policy research, but we do not know the full extent to which Parliament has been misled and the people of Canada harmed.

· This Report published by Status of Women Canada was judged to be the best policy research of the year 2003. It can reasonably be inferred that the remainder of similar research is of the same (or worse) character.

· Government funding and support of the legal defense of Status of Women Canada has created a perception that there is unjustified discrimination and inequality under the law within the Canadian court system.

As a result of all this:

Ø I/We insist upon a full Parliamentary Inquiry to gauge the full extent of this problem and make reasonable and fair recommendations to repair the errors.


Address (optional)_________________________________________________________

Date: ___________________________________________________________________

Sunday, August 23, 2009

To Serve and Select.

As most people know, the Rainbow was created by God to be a covenant between God and His people after the great flood.
Why is it OK for the homosexuals to make a mockery (with police help) of this sacred covenant but not OK to make the slightest remark about the Muslim Holy Koran?
Why are peaceful pro-life protesters arrested while homosexuals march naked down city streets in parades, openly masterbating at will? Here's why:

Media & Public Invitation: Ottawa Police hosts charity breakfast and unfurls the Rainbow Flag

A new press release has been posted to the Ottawa Police Service web site.

"Media & Public Invitation: Ottawa Police hosts charity breakfast and unfurls the Rainbow Flag"

Monday, August 17, 2009

Results of 40 years of feminist socialism

Who's Your Daddy.
The taxpayer of course.

Jennifer Lynch went to Dublin on your dime to complain that you, the Canadian public hates the Thought Control Stasi she runs - the CHRC. Here we are in a middle of recession and Canada's own Marie Antoinette is off galivanting at huge public expense to complain that we - the ignorant masses, have gone all uppity on her.

Isn't it time Harper's government trimmed the fat?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

One For The Rural Right

Pro-Family Man Chosen for Library Board, Despite Protest by Homosexual Groups

By Patrick B. Craine

EGANVILLE, Ontario, August 10, 2009 ( - Despite a 33-signature petition begun by homosexual groups, the North Algona Wilberforce Township Council appointed pro-family advocate Ken O'Day to the Board of the Bonnechere Union Public Library last Wednesday.

O'Day chose to apply for the Board position because he has been upset with the library's offerings, including most notably a pornographic movie. "If nobody is going to take a leadership role, then somebody has to," he told in July.

The library has replaced many of its older books, he told LSN today, and "the new books are very liberal, abundantly feminist and pro-Gore in environmentalism," he said. They are "very one-sided."

At the interview with the Council for the position, O'Day said, "I told them...that...if they wanted everything to run smooth..., without any complaints or any changes, then she [the other applicant] was certainly the one to get, but I said, if you take me, you're going to have disagreement and some accountability. Even in spite of that, they took me."

In his advocacy at the library, O'Day is not trying to limit the content of books, he says, but quite the opposite. "They think I want to restrict the books, but what I want to do is expand it to getting more alternate viewpoints," he told LSN.

He expects his cause will be difficult, pointing out that five of the seven Board members are from another Council supporting the library, who are "very liberal." Nevertheless, he says he will do his research at the library to prove his point, and will make sure his voice is heard.

See related coverage:

Homosexual Groups Petition Library Board to Refuse Pro-Family Man

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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Homosexuals Hate Diversity

Gay community opposes applicant for library board
By Gerald Tracey

News Editor, Eganville Leader

15th July 2009

Eganville -- Despite receiving a petition from the gay and lesbian community of Renfrew County and their supporters opposing one of the applicants seeking to fi ll a vacancy on the Bonnechere Union Public Library board, North Algona Wilberforce Township council will interview the two township residents seeking the volunteer position.

The 33 people who signed the petition say they are very concerned about the potential membership of Ken O'Day on the board because of his views towards gays and lesbians. "For several years, Mr. O'Day has condemned gay and lesbian people in the areas of social acceptance, legal rights and education," the petition reads. "We recognize that members of the board have the right to their own beliefs, but Mr. O'Day has publicly stated that his personal agenda is to condemn members of the gay and lesbian community."

The petition asked for support of individuals to oppose the appointment of Mr. O'Day to the board where he may use his infl uence to accomplish personal goals. NAW is represented on the library board by Councillor John Kuehl and two ratepayers. Tom McCann recently resigned from the board after a brief stint due to time constraints, creating the vacancy. Susan Taylor is the other township representative on the seven-member board. Prior to the township advertising for applications, township resident Kathryn Kasaboski applied to fi ll the position.

Mr. O'Day was the only person to apply following the publication of an ad. Mayor Harold Weckworth said he was unaware Mr. O'Day had applied for the position until last Monday night's township council meeting and he wondered how the library board was aware of the applicants and how the petition got started. "I still don't understand how the library board found out because on the ad in the paper it asked that all applications be directed to the township," he said. "I don't know how that happened." Mayor Weckworth only became aware of Mr. O'Day's application and the petition when he picked up his agenda a few days prior to last Monday night's meeting. "How did the (library) board know about it?"

Councillor John Kuehl, who was appointed to the library board several months ago to replace Councillor Ruth Schoenfeldt, said the board also received the applications. "Council was under the impression that they were supposed to send them (applications) to the library board and the board picked the member," he said. "That's what our council originally said. That was what I was under the impression of." Coun. Kuehl said when Mr. O'Day applied for the position, one copy of his application went to the library board and one to the township.

The library board meetings are open to the public and it was after Mr. O'Day made his intentions of seeking the position known to the board that the petition was started. Coun. Kuehl said he was under the impression when he was first appointed to the board that the board conducted the interviews and made recommendations to council for board members. "But it's not that way at all," he explained. "The board clarified that and said they would do it if we wanted them to, but really it's up to each council to pick their people. "That's when I went back to my council, because I had only been at a couple of meetings, and said we have the say here. I brought everything from there back to our township. "It was just a misunderstanding. I have only sat on the committee for not that long."

NAW council has been asked in a

petition not to appoint Ken O’Day

to sit on the local ibrary board.

Mr. O'Day was unaware of the petition opposing of his appointment when asked for comments Monday. "I would say that I don't understand what their concern is because I have never condemned individual gays or lesbians," he said with a look of bewilderment. "I am surprised that with all of the concerns there could be with the library they would focus their attention on someone who's qualifi ed to work with the board." He applied for the position because there was a vacancy, adding he has done volunteer work all of his life. "This is just another area where our council needs our help," he said. Mr. O'Day said he could not understand what the fuss is about. "Does this mean that anybody who has Christian values can't apply for volunteer work? Is this what our community has come to." Mrs. Kasaboski and Mr. O'Day have been invited to meet with council prior to the August 4 meeting of council

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Paleface Politics

They say that Michael Jackson looks the same in death as he did in life, not unlike the pale character of today’s conservative politics.
The recent leadership race in the provincial conservative party confirmed the narrow vision and glad-happy ideas of our ‘Progressive’ Conservatives who seem only too willing to follow the same path they took us on during Ernie Eves reign of red.
Unhindered by any higher moral and ethical scruples, newly elected conservative leader Tim Hudak, used the same socially liberal election team that are hostile to social/fiscal conservatives. Hudak is too young, too inexperienced and too close to his friends in Toronto to give a darn about rural Ontario. He will continue with the same big government spending, pleasing big public sector unions and over-regulating us as our previous conservative/liberal/NDP leaders did.
Delegate thinking, during the leadership race, was to support the candidate who has the best chance of winning in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). It doesn’t matter if he may have the intellect of a frozen horse turd, (think Dalton McGuinty), he just needs the ability to dance with the public sector unions, wave the rainbow/environmental flag and toss a few crumbs to rural folks. We’ve seen it all over and over again. Look what happened to our federal Canadian Alliance Party policies after the red Tory invasion.
For anyone who paid attention, Randy Hillier was the only candidate who spoke about true conservative values, the only one to call for a return to what real conservative policies should be instead of the liberal-lite, soft middle ground that leaves voters confused and leaving the party. Even our MPP, John Yakabuski turned his back on rural candidate Randy Hillier to vote for Tim Hudak. It won’t soon be forgotten.
So where does all this leave us who want real conservative social and fiscal values along with smaller government? Who do we turn to when the liberals, conservatives and NDP all march in the same parade? Provincially we need a person and party with real rural values who will go to Queens Park and demand change without kowtowing to anyone. We don’t need a party that’s based in Toronto to suit only big city desires.
It's time for a change and the Family Coalition Party looks better every day.
As we saw about 10 years ago when we dumped 70 years of liberal rule, Renfrew County is willing to change it’s voting pattern so a new party has a credible chance if they don’t make the mistake of inviting any red Tories.
It’s time to bury paleface politicians and their parties who keep pretending to be something they’re not.

Monday, April 20, 2009

School Boards Could Face Large Lawsuits

Boards must be accountable for normalizing behaviour

Published on Apr 17, 2009
While the guilty verdict of the HIV/AIDS infected Johnson Aziga makes headlines around the world, Hamiltonians should consider that other parties may very well become complicit in the spread of the HIV/AIDS virus and the resulting infection and death of sexual partners.

Unbeknownst to many Hamiltonians, the Hamilton Wentworth District School Board continues to move ahead aggressively with their sexual orientation "equity" policy which will require the inclusion and encourage the celebration of numerous sexual behaviour choices in all subject areas while offering little or no medical evidence of the specific associated health risks.

In fact, the board has rejected requests from concerned parents to include official Ministry of Health information which establishes that those who practice MSM (males who have sex with males) have HIV rates as high as 25 per cent or one in four men (Region of Toronto).

This rate is 250 times higher than males from non-endemic countries who contact HIV via heterosexual contact.

Given the above, should school boards not be held accountable for their indoctrinative approach to normalizing high-risk behaviour and what penalty should they face?

Harold Schulz, Ancaster

Do you know what your child's school is teaching?

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Did I really give to them?

If you want to see where all your money is going when you give to your favourite charity click on the website below, type in the charity name and click on 'Search'. You don't have to fill in the other info. they ask for.
Check out their total income and total wages paid. It's a real eye-opener. Look at thousands of feminist organizations that are getting fat off the hog. Check out Development and Peace or World Vision.;jsessionid=Jd6JcghJwtNKJGn52Xd1K1TL1WjMxXRLQwBhvddTzQTyrGYq6jyq!1770044462?login=true&searchType=

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

In honour of Earth Day!

In honour of Earth Day!

On Saturday, March 28th our country's elite enviro-maniacs will be celebrating their self-proclaimed Earth Hour by asking everyone to turn their lights off between 8:30 and 9:30 pm.

Send a clear message to your government ministers and David Suzuki that you don't like their expensive, wasteful Green Plan by turning on all your lights, inside and out, for that evening.
Give them a toot when you drive by a house with all the lights on.
Mark your calendar and pass this on.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Our government isn't satisfied with murdering the unborn, now they're turning their attention to the old and disabled.

(MP Francine Lalonde gave notice on Thursday Feb. 11 that she will be introducing a Private Members Bill to legalize assisted suicide. This means her bill could be introduced as early as Monday, since bills require at least 2 days notice.)

February 11, 2009 — Ms. Lalonde (La Pointe-de-l'Île) — Bill entitled “An Act to amend the Criminal Code (right to die with dignity)”.

There's no such thing as dying with dignity. We try to live with dignity.
Euthanasia has proven to be abused everywhere it has been legalized.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What's a 'person' to do?

A friend of mine told me today that I was a nice person. I told her that she has insulted me. Startled, she asked me how she had done that.
First of all, I told her that I was a man, not a person and when she refers to me with a non-descript word like 'person', she doesn't respect my manhood plus she is feeding the feminist/gay movement. How?
For the past 20 years or so certain people have been trying to remove our genders male and female to make us all 'inclusive' or one. The media, reporters and our own governments have changed our language to please these radicals until we find ourselves using the word 'person' all the time instead of the gender.
We are at the point where we are almost ashamed to use man or woman. Ask yourself when was the last time you used the words? Try it out by just saying out loud "I am a good man/woman". Say it to someone else. What do you feel after you say it. If it's a little guilt then you can be sure you have been brainwashed by those people who want to remove any pride or identity in your sex and that is exactly what the fem/gay movement is all about.
Your intellect tells you there's nothing wrong with the non-gender word but your 'self' is insulted.
The only way to stop this insult to your sex is to bring it to a conscious level in others and gently correct them when they call someone a person instead of the gender God gave them.
Be a man. Be a woman. Be a husband or a wife but don't let them call you person or spouse.


In truth, the English word 'person' does not belong in the bible. In scripture, the Greek and Hebrew words that 'person' is translated from mean "to reveal the man" (i.e., presence, countenance, face, etc.), whereas in man's law, the word 'person' means "to conceal the man" (i.e., the term persona means "the mask of the actor", i.e., a fictional character that substitutes for the flesh and blood man. From this word persona we get 'person,' a fictional entity). You're the actor when you become a person, because a mask (the person) covers the true character, and you become something other than who God says you are.

In addition, it can be seen that 'person' and 'man' are not synonymous by the phrase "artificial person." In man's law, this phrase is used to describe corporations and such. But, if we replace the word 'person' with 'man,' look at what we get! "Artificial man." What is an artificial man? Is it a cyborg, a half-man/half-machine or something? However, "artificial person" makes much more sense, because a person is created by man, whereas a man is created by God. God does not create artificial things, only man does.

[As a side note, we are told that a 'noun' refers to a "person, place, or thing." Well, a 'person' is not a noun, because it is only a fiction; it does not exist; it hides the true man. However a man (or woman) is a noun. Therefore, it is more accurate to say a noun refers to "people, places, or things."]

Furthermore, if they call you a 'nice' 'person', they are doubly insulting you. Read this:

1) The only words which have substance are nouns. Nouns have substance, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, etc., do not. Verbs are not substantial, they only indicate action. The substance is in the noun. For example, the word party was previously only a noun, but now it's a verb, now it's an act. Instead of saying, "let's go to a party", we say, "let's party". We see how the English language, through its evolution, changes the substance of a word into nothing. By keeping nouns as nouns, they represent the "truth". By converting nouns to verbs, they do not represent the truth, and therefore the language becomes "fictitious".

2) The way a word is spelled determines its meaning, and what law one is under. There are at least three ways to spell any one word. Let's take, as an example, the spellings of "rich," "Rich," and "RICH." The first spelling, "rich," means "wealthy." This word is an adjective and has no substance; it merely describes the person of man, but not the man himself. The spelling "Rich," on the other hand, has a completely different meaning. It is a proper name, and refers to the man himself. This word has substance. By spelling this word lawfully, it brings you under the Law that created it. Since God created man, this would bring you under God's Law. And the last spelling, "RICH," has a completely different meaning than the previous two spellings. You won't find any words spelled in all capital letters in the dictionary, because these words do not exist. They are fictions. And by spelling a name in all caps, it brings you under the law that created it; which would be the fictitious laws of man. This is why all corporations are spelled in all capital letters, because they are fictions created by man, and not substance created by God.

3) We cannot take an unclean word and make it clean. For example, let's take the word 'nice,' which is derived from the Latin 'nescire.'

Nice: "Srange, lazy, foolish, stupid, ignorant, not knowing, to be ignorant, difficult to please, fastidious, discriminative." Webster's New World Dictionary, Third College Edition, 1988, page 914.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

New Sign For Buses:

There's no such thing as Global warming. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Feminist Public School System is a Toxic Environment
By Brian Simpson (pseudonym)

I've been a supply teacher for 20 years in every subject area, K-12 in over 200 schools and in over 1000 classrooms in a large Canadian city. I can report that the education system has been taken over by feminists and lesbians who preach a daily diet of hate, violence and discrimination against males despite pretenses of “tolerance” “non violence” and “inclusiveness.”

It's moderately common to find girls wearing anti-male, hate clothing. Slogans on T-Shirts include: “Stupid Factory:Where Boys are Made;” “BOYS ARE STUPID, THROW ROCKS AT THEM!” and (prefixed by the profile view of a handgun) “He had it comin'”

Others include “WHO NEEDS BOYS WHEN YOU HAVE CREDIT CARDS?” and “I LIKE BOYS WHO ARE SENSITIVE AND CRY, WHEN I HIT THEM;” and “MENtal Anxiety MENtal Breakdown MENstrual Cramps MENopause Did you ever notice how all our problems begin with MEN.”

Can you imagine if these comments were addressed at girls?

I've been in staff rooms where I have read pamphlets issued by the Canadian Federation of Teachers about Afghanistan. Exclusive concern was shown for women, girls and female babies and none for males despite the fact that boys had the double-whammy-plus of being forced to carry a gun, kill and be killed, traumatize and be traumatized, starting as early as eight-years-of-age. They had been denied schooling and been traumatized for life. The girls only had been denied schooling.

I've been in classrooms where videos were shown blaming all date violence on males. No sexual violence female-to-male was mentioned and women were referred to as "men's property." Once the video had been shown, the girls overflowed with anti-male hate statements and the boys were afraid to speak on any matter. I told students that the video's depiction was false but they insisted that the video depiction was the absolute truth. Such indoctrination is the norm in schools.

In the context of the omni-present, "Women's History Month" posters in the school, I have been in homerooms in which the boys are so abused by their feminist teachers that they cannot even whimper, even after serial attempts to get them to say anything at all. In one classroom in which Grade-12 students were nearing their graduation, I had a boy cry about the climate of ever-climaxing anti-male hate.


As a male, I am routinely discriminated against for employment with no recourse to authorities.

In supply teaching, patterns emerge such as gender-cleansing in the early years (Men need not apply.) The substitute clerks want women, and when they can't get them (a rarity), a man can get called at the last minute (late calls generally translate as, "I-couldn't-get-a-woman call").

In my experience, all substitute clerks are women. In the last two decades, phone/computer machines have been put into place in various districts. As a result, when IT phones instead of SHE, the early years open up to men, initially. The resultant realization that the conventional gender-cleansing is not in place results in male supply teachers being "greeted" by school secretaries (always women) who ask the man reporting to the office in the morning, "What are YOU doing here?" "I'm here for____(a woman teacher)."

In response to that, the secretary reports the man to the principal who tries to gender-cleanse by saying to the male supply teacher, "I can give you Grade 5." "No, thanks, I'll take the Kindergartens." I've even had to discuss such matters for two minutes with some principals.

In the hundreds and hundreds of applications I have put into for teaching jobs, I have never had a response to any application for Grade 2, Grade 1 nor Kindergarten; and I've only had one interview for a position in Grade 3--which was assigned to a woman.


Here are some of my experiences as an Education student.

First of all, to be in teaching is to be immersed in femininity. Wall-to-wall women, everywhere; the students, the teaching staff, the curriculum, the posters on walls, the celebrations, the laments, the teacher unions, the student unions, the union unions. In perfect lock-step, all are one, and half of humanity counts for nothing, except to be harmed, of course.

In one class, the professor had issued a 4-page photocopy to all students (26 women and 3 men in the room). The article was composed entirely of assertions. There was a perfect void of evidence. The essence of the article was that men, most especially white men were all advantaged and that women were all disadvantaged.

The monomania was so advanced that one black woman complained that whereas there was affirmative action for women, including black women, it was mostly Caribbean black women who got the jobs and not the African black women. The women in the room gushed with sympathy that such a situation could persist in Canada. Various women-as-victim and men-as-victimizer as the universally advantaged had serialized. I waited for an almost void in the lament and had declared various facts.

I pointed out that in Canada's armed services, over 116 000 men and boys and only 30 women and no girls had been killed in service and that the response of governments in Canada and elsewhere the world over had been one of, "Advance women."

I pointed out that in the civilian work world, up to 2005, just over 96% of job-caused deaths were male and that as of 2006, with the boom in the economy, for the first time, just over 1000 men and only approximately 20 women were killed.

The women who spoke (about 12 of them), utterly whaled against me in seething frenzied hate. It was like being in a Nazi Party meeting. I was shouted-down. In fact, the women who insisted that the proper world order was save-the-women/kill-the-men, complained vociferously to the knights in shining armor (the few men who were allowed into the teaching faculty.)

These professor men called me at home on a Sunday to set up a meeting to censor me for raising gender issues!. They didn't complain about what the women were doing.

The one male professor encouraged me to get out of teaching by way of using the university employment service (a feminist organization.)

I told them that in every case, I was responding to the women who had raised the issues in the first place and that they had to back off. The head professor said he would speak with the professors. But, following that meeting, my classroom curricula had included one article about suicide which mentioned that female depression was 50% higher than male depression, but did not mention that male suicide was 400% higher than female suicide.

Another professor issued learning-outcome statements to the class which counselled us to include examples of women (and not examples of men).


Previous to that event, we teacher-students were shown a video of two teachers in team teaching. The woman teacher in the video had the line assigned to her, "I hope I'm treated as an equal (by the man teacher)" and the man teacher was assigned the line, "I'll have to guard against my male ego."

The same female professor who had presented that video had chosen a text book which included curricular topics for lesson plans. The topics included, "Violence against Women" (and, of course, no concern for "Violence against Men").

During one presentation, a mother of a disabled daughter told how some, "ardent Feminist" women had taken her daughter to a male strip joint. Such was described by the mother as, "wonderful." Following that, the same "ardent Feminist" woman had taken her daughter to the USA to attend a Feminist, "woman's music camp" and we were shown a slide of those women, many of whom were topless. Evidently lesbianism is encouraged.

"So, why didn't you complain to officials of the university or elsewhere?" My answer is as follows: The student union had a handbook which blamed all date violence on men and its front office window had three prominently displayed posters about date violence which blamed into all on men. Also, annually, the union had taken part in the Marc Lepine remembrance day ceremonies at the university...which blamed everything on men. As for the university, it had Women's Studies and no Men's Studies, and a , "Womyn's Center" and no Men's Center. The, poster, "greeting" men to the "Womyn's Centre" reads:


Welcome to the Womyn's Centre
This is a SAFE PLACE for Womyn
and Womyn identified people only.
MEN are asked to KNOCK before entering and to use the space briefly
Only to access the resources such as: pamphlets, free stuff and books in the Library.
Thank you for your respect and understanding.

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Coming Anti-Life Onslaught: Obama's Abortion Agenda at Home and Abroad

Exclusive Commentary by Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer
Human Life International

January 15, 2009 ( - President-elect Barack Obama’s Web site,, contains a link titled, “Open Government: Your Seat at the Table.” Follow this link and you will find hundreds of papers submitted to the Obama-Biden Transition Project by various interest groups.

One other such paper, entitled, “Advancing Reproductive Rights and Health in a New Administration: The First 100 Days,” is endorsed by over 50 pro-choice organizations ranging from the ACLU to one called Women Thrive Worldwide. Most of the demands contained in the paper are disturbing though not surprising: a massive increase in funding to Title X (which funds Planned Parenthood), an end to abstinence-only education, assuring that anyone, anywhere can have an abortion at taxpayers’ expense, passing the ironically-named Freedom of Choice Act, and making sure that only pro-choice ideologues are appointed to the federal judiciary, and so on.

The international ambitions of this anti-life coalition, however, are the most fearsome aspect of their agenda and US taxpayer funding is the new plum to be plucked. In post-Roe America, it is hard to find ways to make abortion more ubiquitous than it already is, but significant sectors of the developing world still maintain firm prohibitions against the destruction of innocent life, and these groups want to change all that. What they are advocating may be “change that America can live with,” but it certainly isn’t change that the developing world can live with.

In addition to the expected demand for a reversal of President Bush’s “Mexico City Policy” (the executive order first enacted by Ronald Reagan) which restricts funding for international organizations that promote abortion, these groups are calling for the investment of one billion dollars in the promotion of abortion and contraception around the world. This call includes the restoration of funding to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), that radical abortion-promoting arm of the UN which has supported and funded coercive abortion in China. They want to nearly double the US contribution to the UNFPA to the tune of $65 million in order to continue this malfeasance and other like works. Monies going to the organizations formerly blocked from funding by the Mexico City Policy could represent as much as a 10-fold increase in funding for contraception and abortion worldwide.

We can’t underestimate the potential negative impact of this funding on inherently life-affirming cultures. In a recent interview in Rome, Dr. Stephen Karanja, head of the Catholic Doctors’ Association of the country where Barack Obama’s father was born, had this to say about the coming US war on babies in the developing world: “We in Kenya know [Obama] as a person who is anti-family. A person who supports abortion .. This is something that a lot of people don't realize, that what these Americans do affects innocent people thousands and thousands of miles away. The truth is that they have put a bad man in the most powerful office in the whole world and are putting people outside your borders in danger.” It is rare to find someone so clear-sighted about Obama in the countries that are presently fawning over this “historic” presidency. Dr. Karanja sees the oncoming onslaught of American-led propaganda against his people, a full 90% of whom consider abortion to be an “abomination” (his wording).

As president of an international pro-life organization, I travel to countries all over the developing world and meet those who have been harmed by the United States’ most destructive export: our twisted “pro-choice” ideology which is deceptively re-packaged and re-named “reproductive healthcare” for propagandizing the decision-makers of the poorer countries. In our official support of “reproductive healthcare,” we, as Americans, communicate to the world that we think their economic and social problems would be solved if only there were fewer of them that had problems. This attitude is nothing more than the classic elitist mind-set of blaming the poor for their poverty and trying to eliminate poverty by eliminating poor people. And now we are dangerously close to putting billions of dollars behind that attitude.

If the Obama administration gives in to the demands of the anti-life coalition in its first 100 days, as we have every reason to believe he will, I fear there will be no undoing the damage we will be forcing on the developing world. It seems that often we have more to learn from the people of the developing countries of the world than they do from us. Dr. Karanja’s final word is true not only of Kenya but of all nations: “The only resource we have that is truly ours, is our people. Don’t attack them and we’ll be alright.” He added, ominously, “And this administration of Obama, is going to be a nightmare for our people.”

We owe it to our brothers and sisters in these countries to let President-elect Obama know that the “places at the table” should not be taken by those who think that the world would be better off without them.

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Tuesday, January 06, 2009

To all parents in Canada.

Time and again our provincial governments are conspiring with our well padded school boards and teachers unions to bypass the parental rights of our children.
Currently in Ontario there is no specific age for which a person is considered too young to receive 'medical treatment'. It is up to the doctor's discretion to determine if the person is mature enough to understand the implications of the medical treatment; abortion, pills or otherwise.

This law came into effect back in the 80's under a committee principally driven by Planned Parenthood. It was a means of secretly getting to our children and pushing their sexual freedom agenda which ultimately leads to a perceived need for sexual health clinics. Create a void that can never be filled then apply for tax dollars to fill it.

The last place parents want to place their children today is in any publically-funded school or institution, especially if the parents have any moral standards. They simply don't have enough sense to stick to the mandate they were originally given by parents and taxpayers. Indeed, they've become propaganda tools to indoctrinate our young minds with their own personal agendas.

Is it any wonder provincial governments don't support private or home schooling?
Why don't you?
