The Right Honourable Stephen HarperPrime Minister of Canada
Office of the Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A2
TO: Prime Minister Harper;
Dear Prime Minister;
In light of facts revealed by the trial and the Judgment of Nathan J. Smith in a Defamation lawsuit IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA (2008 BCSC 249) Between: Ken Wiebe (Plaintiff) And Pierrette Bouchard, Isabel Boily, Marie-Claude Proulx, Her Majesty The Queen In The Right of Canada, and The Minister Responsible for the Status of Women Canada (Defendants), and for other reasons also –
I/We Insist that a full Parliamentary Inquiry be held into the Status of Women Canada and its wrongful influence on Legislation, Policy, and the administration of justice in Canada over the duration of its existence. This Inquiry must have the mandate to recommend changes to policy and legislation that it finds to be in error.
Judge Nathan J. Smith, in his BC Supreme Court judgment, said that a Policy Research Report of the Canadian federal government (Status of Women Canada):
· makes claims that are not true.
· is not factual.
· is the ideological opinion of “true believers” and self-described “militant feminists”.
· is slanderous (Defamatory).
Parliament has been misled by at least one Status of Women Canada Research Report.
· There are other examples legislation and policy that have been influenced by SWC policy research, but we do not know the full extent to which Parliament has been misled and the people of Canada harmed.
· This Report published by Status of Women Canada was judged to be the best policy research of the year 2003. It can reasonably be inferred that the remainder of similar research is of the same (or worse) character.
· Government funding and support of the legal defense of Status of Women Canada has created a perception that there is unjustified discrimination and inequality under the law within the Canadian court system.
As a result of all this:
Ø I/We insist upon a full Parliamentary Inquiry to gauge the full extent of this problem and make reasonable and fair recommendations to repair the errors.
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Date: ___________________________________________________________________
Welcome Income Splitting
Yes, it will only be available to families with children. And, apart from
the restriction on the income one could attribute to the spouse, there will
be an...
9 years ago