Sunday, January 24, 2010

Loyal Catholic nuns speak out.

Loyal Catholic nuns: speak out!
By Phil Lawler | January 22, 2010 4:48 PM


Earlier this month CWN reported on the widespread resistance mounted by American women’s religious orders against a Vatican apostolic visitation. But the resistance is far from universal. Some nuns, faithful to the Holy See and to the founding traditions of their own religious communities, are anxious to help.

Ann Carey, author of Sisters in Crisis: The Tragic Unraveling of Women’s Religious Communities, has set up a Yahoo Group that allows loyal Catholic nuns to contact each other, exchange news about their orders, and provide information to the Vatican—all while preserving their own anonymity.

Why, you might ask, would the good sisters want to remain anonymous? Because they live in communities dominated by radical feminism, and they fear reprisals if they dare to speak out in defense of Catholic tradition. That’s a measure of how thoroughly many religious orders have been corrupted by the spirit of the age. It’s also an indication of how urgent it is to provide some guidance for these communities—and, not incidentally, some support for the poor nuns (in most cases elderly) who are living through the chaos.

Learn more about Sisters Supporting Apostolic Visitation here. Perhaps you know a few nuns who should be introduced to the group.

1 comment:

Osumashi Kinyobe said...

My opinion: not everyone is meant to serve God in a particular way but we are called to serve Him. If you are not happy serving God one way, you'll never be happy. Hence, women who want to be priests, dissenting Catholics, ect.
Just my thoughts.