Fed up yet? Do something about it.
The Ontario McGuinty government put a recycling and environmental fee on most electronics, cleaning products and other merchandise this year. He temporarily dropped the recycling fee because of public pressure. Some businesses hide the fees in the product.
Our houses look like garbage dumps on the inside and animals tear apart our waste on the outside. We already pay for recycling, multi-million dollar dumps and garbage disposal. Why should we pay twice?? Plus tax!!
Are you fed up yet?
There are three simple things you can do to stop this raid on your wallet:
1- Copy the following letter or make your own and give it to any business you deal with.
2- Don't buy these products unless you really need to.
3- Pass this email on to anyone, anywhere you can.
Rest assured the businesses won't sit on their hands while their sales drop. We need them to put pressure on the government. Put the internet to work for you and watch the results.
To: Staples, Wal-Mart, The Source, Zellers, The Bay, Home Depot and all other businesses.
Dear Manager/Owner,
The Ontario government added a recycle & environmental fee to the price of your merchandise this year and you passed it and the HST on to us consumers. After public pressure, Premier McGuinty temporarily dropped the recycle fee but he still demands the environmental fee.
As consumers, who have to earn our money, we are fed up. We already pay for recycling, multi-million dollar waste stations, garbage disposal and our houses all look like garbage dumps, inside and out, while we try to appease the garbage police.
We know it's not your fault but from now on my family, friends and neighbours will not be buying any products from you that have these fees. Even if you hide the fees we will know which products have them.
This email/letter is being sent all across Ontario by taxpayers like us. We are fed up!
Your signature, address and phone number.
Pass it on!
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