Monday, May 02, 2011

The End of Catholic Education.

Fr. Alphonse de Valk, editor of Catholic Insight magazine, says that an April 15th memo from the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario (ACBO) is effectively a “green light” to start gay clubs in the Catholic schools.

And he's right.

Catholic education has been heading downhill for years thanks to the ICE and Canadian Conference of Bishop's decision to bow to the province and start a sex education program that would please liberal minded provincial governments, school boards and unions but destroy a parents right to educate their own children about sex at the appropriate time.

Thanks to that bad decision we now have radical gays and lesbians demanding 'equality' in sex education and, once again, our school boards and Catholic Bishops have opened the door for bullying of our Catholic faith.

The bottom line is that it finally spells the end of Catholic education without even a fight from those we entrust to safeguard our children.

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